Digital Showrooms for
your new digital trade fair!
MobiMedia offers smart digital showrooms. Look forward to a fully digital trade fair, an interactive marketplace for retailers and brands.
The latest trends and international shows are available 24/7 – order online without loss of quality and with an enormous savings potential thanks to faster orders.
Launch new offers every month.
Quintet24 –
the platform
Quintet24 is a smart portal that connects buyers and suppliers, retailers and manufacturers.
With the help of intelligent digital showrooms Quintet24 serves as an interactive marketplace.
The retailer is able to see the latest product offers and wanders – just like on a physical trade fair – from showcase to showcase.
When entering the digital showroom of the respective brands, retailers are able to see shows, videos and scroll through digital catalogues.
All data is binding and can only be seen by authorised buyers.
As a digital trade fair, Quintet24 offers optimal transparency and the best possible security against unauthorised use.

How does it work?
Ordering with digital workbooks in the Quintet24 portal works like a traditional showroom or a trade fair, only online.
Quintet24 boosts the link between brands and retailers by providing a digital platform that is available 24/7 worldwide.
It serves as a key sales tool for businesses operating internationally by:
Showcasing their products and programs in empathetic shows and work books,
– Promoting both well-established and new brands,
– Making it easy for brands and buyers to stay in touch with each other.
With Quintet24 brand rooms you will bring your brand visibility and brand experience to a completely new level because buyers are able to:
– Get directly in touch with brands and schedule appointments for video chats and visits to the showroom or (online & physical) trade fairs,
– Access media services and links to all web-based offerings.
Quintet24. Your digital trade fair, 365 days a year.
Your entry into the hybrid world of sales!
Solution for Retailers
Quintet24 –
digital trade fair
fast and secure
Click here to participate.
Access the platform 24/7 worldwide.
Use smart workbooks for faster orders.
Explore marketing tools.
Utilise limit planning with one click.
Discover brands and generate sustainable sales.
Digital Trade Fair For Brands
Interactive workbooks with intuitive order entry.
Launch trends quickly on the market
Tell your brand’s story with a variety of digital tools.
Use individual workbooks as a brilliant sales aid.
Enjoy easy data maintenance thanks to personal MobiMedia service.
Utilise proactive analytics for your success.
Quintet24 – How does it work?
1:30 min
Quintet24 – What do the retailers say?
Quintet24 – Integrated planning
30 sec. teaser
Quintet24 – InSeasonManagement
30 sec. teaser
Curious? Start now!
0049 8561 96160
Dr.-Bachl-Straße 2
84347 Pfarrkirchen